Ananda - Music for your soul
Singer Songwriter Nicole Giezekamp AKA Ananda, formerly an Opera Singer with the West Australian & Australian Opera companies, wrote Ananda “The Gift”. Her extensive training and experience as a classical musician allowed the beautiful easy listening music of “the Gift” to flow.

With references from The Juilliard School of music - New York & Dame Joan Sutherland, Nicole has crossed over with a sense of grace. She is currently in production of her 2nd Album and the Rock Opera “To Dream the dream”.

Nicole is touted by Dame Joan Sutherland as a " Highly Talented Musician with great potential as a Singer" and The Juilliard School of Music's Marlena Malas Said " A Voice of unusual timbre and interpreter of great intelligence and posesses charm, warmth, imagination and wit...a gifted young artist."

Since Crossing Over to Pop/Folk Music, Niki is taking it all in her stride. Writing another album which is in the mixing desk at the Gold Coast, A rock opera (work in Progress) and a Childrens song for the book "A Story of Wonder", her days are an adventure. Her song "Rise Up" from "The Gift" a Favourite amongst International Radio. She did a quick tour the West Coast of the USA in 2006.

Enjoy Ananda "The Gift" as more than 150,000 Aussies have! Recent emails to Niki have expressed how "Your music has changed my life." COOL

ANANDA MEMO: We are One Global Family, One people, One Planet!
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Wake Up - Ananda
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